Management tools


The annual research highlights brochure of what's been happening on a selection of projects in the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub during 2012.


The NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub Third Annual Work Plan (AWP3) details the milestones to be completed by each Hub funded project in 2013-2014.


The annual highlights brochure of what's been happening in the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub during 2012.


Cathy Dichmont (CSIRO); Setting management objectives for inshore biodiversity; Wednesday 8th May 2013.


van Oosterzee P, Dale A, Preece N. (accepted) Integrating agriculture and climate change mitigation at landscape scale: Implications from an Australian case study. Special edition of Global Environmental Change.

Dale A, McKee J, Vella K, Potts R. (in review) Carbon, biodiversity and regional natural resource planning: Towards high impact next generation plans in Australia.

Dale A, Ryan S, Broderick K. (accepted) Integrated natural resource governance: Regional progress and potential national reforms.


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