Great Barrier Reef

Andrew Negri (AIMS); The chronic effects of pesticides and their persistence in tropical waters; Thursday 9th May 2013.


Scott Firth (AMPTO); Crown-of-thorns starfish Control program; Wednesday 8th May 2013.


Jon Brodie (JCU), Jane Waterhouse, Will Higham, Eric Wolanski, Caroline Petus, Matt Brodbeck, John Rainbird, Frank Loban, Jo Johnson, Vic McGrath; Torres Strait Water Quality Hazard Assessment; Wednesday 8th May 2013.


The Syndey Morning Herald

04 May 2013

The United Nations has put the Queensland and federal governments on notice that the Great Barrier Reef could be added to a list of endangered world heritage sites.

A highlights brochure of what's going on with the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub Great Barrier Reef Water Quality projects along with profiles of the project leaders.




De'ath, G. (2012) The multinomial diversity model: linking Shannon diversity to multiple predictors. Ecology. 93 (10) 2286-2296 [doi:10.1890/11-2155.1].


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