Project 13.1 'e-Atlas for the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait'

Project 13.1 'e-Atlas for the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait'

The e-Atlas was established as a MTSRF project to capture and communicate research outcomes.  Under the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub the e-Atlas will be developed further based on research user feedback to provide the most effective method for capturing, visualising and communicating the Hub’s research outcomes.

As an extension to the e-Atlas, funding will be provided to develop a data platform to capture research outputs based on work carried out in Torres Strait.  The aim of the Torres Strait component of the e-Atlas project will be to repatriate the research knowledge back to Torres Strait research users, combine it with NERP TE Hub research outcomes, and make this compiled Torres Strait research knowledge accessible to the Torres Strait Regional Authority, Torres Strait Rangers, DSEWPaC, Torres Strait community and the research community in general.

Project Duration: 
1 Jul 2011