Coastal habitats


The annual research highlights brochure of what's been happening on a selection of projects in the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub during 2012.


Coast GIS 2013

Auge, A.A., Maughan, M., Pressey, R.L., Brodie, J., Dale, A., Yorkston, H. (2013) Spatially explicit scenarios for conservation planning in the Great Barrier Reef coastal zone, Australia. Coast GIS 2013.


Freshwater coastal wetlands and mangrove habitats provide a variety of ecosystem services include flood protection, erosion control, wildlife food and habitat, commercial fisheries, water quality, recreation and carbon sequestration1.

Seagrass meadows occur in estuarine, reef and deepwater habitats, and cover approximately 13% of the GBRWHA: 6,000 square kilometres of shallow seagrass habitat and a further 40,000 square kilometres of deepwater seagrass habitat3.

Herbicides used to control nuisance weeds on the farm can also be effective once they get into the ocean; even in minute quantities such chemicals have been shown to cause stress to corals, algae, mangroves and seagrass. A little stress has a greater impact than you might think...


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