Ecosystem health monitoring

Conrad Hoskin (JCU) and Robert Puschendorf (Plymouth University); Surveys for missing & endangered rainforest frogs and other fauna in peripheral areas; Tuesday 7th May 2013.


Geoff Jones (JCU); Dave Williamson, Hugo Harrison, Jeff Leis, Lou Mason, Severine Choukroun, Michael Berumen, Jessica Hopf, Sean Connolly, Glenn Almany, Ashley Frisch.

Jon Brodie (JCU), Jane Waterhouse, Will Higham, Eric Wolanski, Caroline Petus, Matt Brodbeck, John Rainbird, Frank Loban, Jo Johnson, Vic McGrath; Torres Strait Water Quality Hazard Assessment; Wednesday 8th May 2013.


Dan Metcalfe (CSIRO), Andrew Ford (CSIRO); Littoral rainforest, Mabi forest & Mahogany Glider habitat; Tuesday 7th May 2013.



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