Project 2.3 News Article - Exploration: Journey to Mer

Project 2.3 News Article - Exploration: Journey to Mer

AIMS scientist, Dr Hugh Sweatman, speaks about fascinating scientific journeys to some little-known reefs.
Over the past three years, AIMS scientists have been working with the Torres Strait Regional Authority to track the condition of reefs in Torres Strait.
On their most recent trip, Dr Sweatman’s team surveyed fishes and corals on the reefs of Mer, Poruma, Aureed, Masig and Erub. The team is set to publish their findings in December 2014. He speaks about Torres Strait’s rich, little studied, ecosystems, the importance of these seas for marine research and how these islands were the quest for many early seafarers. Funding was provided through the Australian Government’s National Environmental Research Program. 
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