Project 11.1 Journal: Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Fisheries Management in the Torres Strait, Australia: the Catalytic Role of Turtles and Dugong as Cultural Keystone Species

Project 11.1 Journal: Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Fisheries Management in the Torres Strait, Australia: the Catalytic Role of Turtles and Dugong as Cultural Keystone Species

Ecology and Society


Butler, J.R.A., Tawake, A., Skewes, T., McGrath, V. (2012) Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Fisheries Management in the Torres Strait, Australia: the Catalytic Role of Turtles and Dugong as Cultural Keystone Species. Ecology and Society. 17 (4), 34 [doi:10.5751/ES-05165-170434].


* Funded by DEWHA (MTSRF)

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